June 2022

Recorded Webinars

Prof Charl de Villiers – What’s New in Sustainability Reporting Standards: The Impact of IASB, SEC and EFRAG

Social and environmental disclosure standards and guidelines have proliferated, each with a unique focus and characteristics. The entrance of the IASB into this arena has led to renewed interest and activity, including some consolidation among […] Prof Charl de Villiers – What’s New in Sustainability Reporting Standards: The Impact of IASB, SEC and EFRAG […]

Black Padded Leather Office Chairs
Strategy & Governance

New Deloitte Global report: boardroom technology deficit hinders growth and innovation and leaves questions about pace of investment

Organizations today are operating in an increasingly competitive, digital world—and yet, technology strategy and experience are lacking in the boardroom. A new Deloitte Global report released today, as part of the Deloitte Global Boardroom Frontier New Deloitte Global report: boardroom technology deficit hinders growth and innovation and leaves questions about pace of investment […]

Person Shopping Online
Risk Management

Hidden costs, manipulation, forced continuity: report reveals how Australian consumers are being duped online

Australian consumers’ choices on websites and apps are being manipulated through online designs taking advantage of their weaknesses. That’s according to research on consumers’ online experiences and the presentation of websites and apps, released by Hidden costs, manipulation, forced continuity: report reveals how Australian consumers are being duped online […]

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