Dr Ana Sopanah, CMA, Director of Inspire Consulting, and Head of the CMA Centre in Malang, organised a hectic round of activities for Professor Janek Ratnatunga, CEO ICMA during his official visit to Malang, Indonesia. He gave a guest lecture at University of Malang, co-organised by Ms. Puji Handayati. CMA. Who is also pictured below. Prof janek is now sporting his official CMA Batik, designed by Dr Intiyas Utami, CMA, from Satya Wacana Christian University as the lecture was given on a Friday!
He next visited the offices of Inspire Consulting and met the team. Inspire Consulting has been involved in data collection and translation of the contingent valuation research conducted by Prof Janek and Dr Ana regarding the Lapindo Mud Disaster.
Prof Janek then presented another paper in the afternoon at the STIE Malang Kucecwara. Pictured below is the Faculty including Drs. Bunyamin, the Head of Faculty of Business and Economics.
Finally, the next day Prof Janek attended the graduation ceremony at the Widyagama University of Malan where Dr Ana presented the Key Scientific paper. Pictured below is Prof Janek with Dr Ana and her Honours student who has expressed an interest in joining the CMA program.