INDONESIA : The Indonesian Branch of ICMA Australia & New Zealand and the School of Business and Management Petra University will be hosting the International Management Accounting Conference (IMAC) 2023 at Surabaya


The Indonesian Branch of ICMA Australia & New Zealand and the School of Business and Management Petra University will be hosting the International Management Accounting Conference (IMAC) 2023 at Surabaya, Indonesia on 20 November 2023. The ICMA Australia’s Indonesia President is Mr. Daniel Godwin Sihotang, CMA and the Dean of the School of Business and Management Petra University is Dr Josua Tarigan. Prof Janek Ratnatunga and Dr Chris D’Souza will be giving presentations at the conference.

CPD Programs continued in Indonesia with a Certified Business Valuer (CBV) and Certified Enterprise Risk Analalyst (CERA) programs organised by RAD Indonesia and Lean Visi Indonesia and delivered by the Academy of Finance and Management Australia (AFMA) over Zoom on June 10 and June 11.

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