International Management Accounting Conference (IMAC) in Surabaya

The ICMA Indonesia Branch held a symposium titled the ‘International Management Accounting Conference (IMAC)’ on Dec 2, 2019, at Petra Christian University in Surabaya. It had 150 very senior participants. At the conference, Professor Slamet Sugiri from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada was inducted to the Global Management Accounting Hall of Fame for his Lifetime of Achievement to the profession in Indonesia.



A number of leading public servants, academics and practitioners spoke at the conference. The speakers from ICMA Australia were Professor Janek Ratnatunga, the CEO, who spoke on the topic, “The Silence of the Auditors: Why Audit Reports Are Untrue and Unfair”; and Dr Chris D’Souza, the COO (International), who spoke on the topic “Corporate Myopia in the 21st Century”.

Professor Slamet Sugiri the Global Management Accounting Hall of Fame inductee flanked by Prof. Janek Ratnatunga, CEO ICMA, and Dr Chris D’Souza, the COO (International). Also in the picture is ICMA Indonesia Branch President, Mr. Daniel Godwin Sihotang and Mr. Nursakti Niko Rosandy.

Whilst in Indonesia by Prof. Janek Ratnatunga, CEO ICMA, and Dr Chris D’Souza, the COO (International) gave a number of seminars for ICMA Partners Business Number Consulting (BNC) in Surabaya and Inspire education in Jakarta. The seminar topics were on Project Management, Project Finance in Surabaya, International Business and Risk Management in Jakarta.

Prof. Janek Ratnatunga, CEO ICMA, with some happy participants in the Project Finance in Surabaya seminar conducted by Business Number Consulting (BNC) in Surabaya
About Prof Janek Ratnatunga 1129 Articles
Professor Janek Ratnatunga is CEO of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants. He has held appointments at the University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Australian National University in Australia; and the Universities of Washington, Richmond and Rhode Island in the USA. Prior to his academic career he worked with KPMG.
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