INDONESIA : ICMA Indonesia Branch AGM

On Friday, August 11, 2023, the ICMA Indonesian Branch (ICMA-Indonesia) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Hotel Ciputra Jakarta. The AGM encompassed the accountability of the ICMA Indonesia Management for the 2019-2023 period, alongside the election of new officials for the 2023-2026 period.

ICMA Indonesia is committed to continue advancing collaborative programs with various corporations, governmental bodies, educational institutions, and other professional associations. This commitment aims to consistently deliver significant impacts for the nation, the state, and the Indonesian society.

During 2019-2023 period, ICMA has organized IMAC international seminars, CFO Awards, and the 50+ series CMA Professional Forum which has had an impact on more than 10,000 participants in Indonesia and globally.

Following a rigorous selection process and with the participation of proxy votes from members, Prof. Janek Ratnatunga (Global CEO ICMA) and Dr. Chris D’Souza (Global CFO and COO ICMA) announced the appointed Committee and Council Members of ICMA Indonesia, and its Regional Chapters as summarized below:

International Management Accounting Conference (IMAC) 2023

The Indonesian Branch of ICMA Australia & New Zealand and the School of Business and Management Petra University will be hosting the International Management Accounting Conference (IMAC) 2023 at Surabaya, Indonesia on 20 November 2023. The ICMA Australia’s Indonesia Past-President is Mr. Daniel Godwin Sihotang, CMA and the Dean of the School of Business and Management Petra University is Dr Josua Tarigan. Prof Janek Ratnatunga and Dr Chris D’Souza will be giving presentations at the conference.


Zoom Webinars

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, ICMA Australia Indonesia Branch continued its commitment to facilitate the capability development for CMA Members, professionals and academics in the fields of accounting and finance. In the September 2023 period, 2 more webinars were held. ICMA facilitated the events, which were moderated by ICMA Australia’s Indonesia President, Mr. Nursakti Niko Rosandy, Vice-President Dr. Ana Sopanah Supriyadi, and Mr. Inu Pinandito, the Branch Treasurer.


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