The ICMA Indonesia Branch is busy organising two events to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the incorporation of ICMA in Australia. A one-day symposium will be held on December 5, 2016 at the University of Malang in Malang, Indonesia (near Surabaya). The second symposium will be held two days later in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 7, 2016. For those interested, please contact the Mr. Joni Pathibang, the ICMA Indonesia Branch President on [email protected].
The Surabaya chapter organising committee has been meeting regularly to plan the Makang symposium. The pictures below show the busy planning sessions.
The meeting attendants were Dr. Bas Basuki; Dr. Sulis Rochayatun; Dr. Rovila el Maghfiroh; Dr. Ana Sopanah; Dr. Lina Windarto; Mr. Darno; Mr. Doddy Afandi; Dr Sih Wahyuni; Dr. Bambang Hermanto; Dr. Puji Handayati; Ms Icha; and Mr. Ali Syahidu.