Decades of C-suite capability development frustrations have come to an end. Leading C-suite executives now have the tools at their fingertips to objectively assess, and seamlessly build, enduring distinctive capabilities. Obstacles that have traditionally impeded their capability building initiatives will become a distant memory.
“The Future Leaders Scorecard Tool (FLST) is the first of several complimentary executive scorecard tools we are introducing”, says Gianni Fracchia, Founder and Principal of Derwent Scotch. “We have developed a series of online scorecard tools to help the C-suite determine how well their organisation’s capabilities do, or don’t, measure up. We have removed the ambiguity and guess work that have prevented the C-suite from establishing true organisational position representations, and subsequently developing required capabilities.”
Catering to the demands of the C-suite executive of today, and tomorrow, the Derwent Scotch scorecards are “the standard” in organisational capability self-assessment. Of the several scorecards being introduced, the FLST addresses the development of a Future Leaders capability – the capability to cultivate successive future leaders that attract, develop, and retain superior talent to secure an organisation’s future.
Taken online with results available immediately, the scorecards equip the C-suite with a comprehensive understanding of the strength of their organisation’s capabilities. Their assessment results can help them assess if investments in underlying resources are adequate, and ignite the development of a platform to attain excellence in their respective capabilities; ultimately, attaining organisational excellence.
For more information and to see how you measure up, visit