Webinar - Finance Leadership during a Crisis: Respond, Recover and Reimagine
CPD Hours: 1
Webinar details:
A crisis such as COVID-19 has simultaneous impacts on organisations. A shock of this scale is likely to result in quantum shift changes to the post-crisis economic and business landscape that will create major changes in the preferences of consumers and all stakeholders including, but not limited to, how they use technology. Strong financial leadership is needed to help organisations reinvent themselves to survive and capitalise on new opportunities that arise. This needs to be over three horizons: respond, where an organisation addresses immediate operational continuity; recover, during which it recalibrates and pivots when feasible; and reimagine, where it explores new opportunities and shapes the next normal. Accountants are integral in each phase given their multiple functions in financial control, risk management, strategic planning, scenario analysis and as business partners.
Prof. Paul Mather
Paul is presently a Professor of Accounting & Corporate Governance at La Trobe Business School at La Trobe University in Melbourne and was previously Head of La Trobe Business School and a Head of Accounting at La Trobe. Prior to joining the school, he was an Associate Dean in the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University, Melbourne and has received a Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence at Monash University. Paul has also held visiting appointments at the London School of Economics and the University of Liverpool Management School. Paul’s current research interests are in corporate governance and boards. He has won several best paper awards and continues to publish papers in highly ranked international refereed journals.
Prior to becoming an academic, Paul trained and qualified as a chartered accountant with Ernst and Young in London and subsequently spent numerous years with PwC in London and West Africa. He latterly specialised in corporate finance projects in London and Melbourne. During this period, he was largely involved in projects relating to mergers and acquisitions and financial strategy.
Paul is currently a member of CPA Australia's ESG Centre of Excellence and was previously a member of CPA Australia's Divisional Council. He is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Non-Executive Director and member of an expert panel advising the Institute of Certified Management Accountants in Sri Lanka. Paul provides regular media commentary on corporate governance matters.
Melbourne, VIC