AMA Membership Offer

AMA Membership Offer

Stay up-to-date with the profession

The leading source for updates to management accounting issues and regulator viewpoints. As a member of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia (CMA Australia) you will receive our monthly On Target digital magazine and newsletter covering the latest changes in the profession. You will also be entitled to use the post-nominals and have access to our events across the globe. 

AMA Membership Offer - Requirements

  • Associate Management Accountant - entitled to use the designatory letters AMA
    Degree in Accounting, Commerce or Finance, or an MBA*, from a recognised university (see FAQ) or Professional Qualification in Accounting and at least 3 years relevant experience.

AMA Membership Application - Special Offer

  • You are required to pay the one-time joining fee and the yearly AMA membership fees (July-June) as part of this application. 
  • Once paid, your AMA membership will be valid till 30 June 2024. 
  • Your AMA certificate will be sent to you within a two weeks.  
  • Under this special offer we have waived the application fees of AUD$99. 

The benefits of CMA Australia’s Associate Management Accountant (AMA) membership:

  • The use of post-nominals AMA after your name, and the ability to describe yourself as an “Associate Management Accountant”.
  • Full access to the ON TARGET membership section – with links to all associated management accounting web pages around the world; including alerts pertaining to the Institute’s newsletter ‘On Target ‘.
  • Access to the Institute’s commissioned research publications, including the Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research and Management Accounting Frontiers.
  • Participation in branch and centre activities in Australia and across the world.
  • Access to membership in special interest groups.
  • Access to a range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities in the leading-edge topics of management accounting.
  • Networking opportunities with management accounting academics and professionals around the world.

Kindly note, in accordance to our constitution all memberships to the Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia (CMA Australia) are required to be approved by the CMA Australia Membership Committee. If your membership application is rejected by the Membership Committee we will refund the monies collected as part of this offer in full. 

Please feel to contact us by email: [email protected] or phone: +61385550358 for more information or clarification.

Please make sure you use your personal email address as your Username.

Total Amount
Details Required
Contact Details
Address Details
Employment Details
Your Education Details
Other relevant information to support your application
Certificate Delivery Option
[YES] - PDF Certificate ONLY - We will email you your PDF certificate once your application is approved.
[NO] - Printed Certificate by Courier ONLY - We will send the printed certificate by DHL courier. Kindly note that courier fees of AUD$250 will be required to be paid separately. Due to COVID we have temporarily stopped sending certificates by normal post.
Billing Name and Address
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